After owning the Xbox 360 since launch I finally decided to take the plunge and get a PS3. The two main reasons for this are: a) some of my friends have a pS3 and I wanted to play online with them and b) allot of last years PS3 exclusives are too difficult to resist! This article will provide a few of my thoughts on the console compared to the 360.

First thing I noticed was that set-up is relatively easy. There seems to be allot more options for customising such aspects as networking, video output etc. but luckily this can all be skipped if needed. Despite this however the PS3 seems to require allot more system updates to download for full functionality of its features. This wouldn't be too bad but they seem to take allot longer than the downloads via Xbox Live (XBL).
The console itself is quiet, which is great compared to my 360, which sounds like a leaf-blower if you haven't installed the game to the hard drive! It's a good size and I like the disc slot - much smarter than a disc tray in my opinion. Also the inclusion of an integrated wireless adapter is essential in my eyes, and I still cannot believe the 360 does not have this. Kudos Sony and Nintendo!
My first impressions of the dashboard is that it is allot cleaner looking and refined. I found the PlayStation store loaded much quicker than the 360 equivalent. I do think however it is much easier to find a piece of content on XBL and there was not as much available to choose from. The PlayStation Network (PSN) does have access to BBC iPlayer and VidZone, but I would much rather have access to Facebook, Twitter, Last FM and Sky as with Xbox Live. Perhaps with the introduction of a premium service (as Sony are looking into) will allow more revenue to be invested directly into the PSN.

I think the Trophy system is awesome and by having bronze, silver, gold and platinum your 'greater' achievements are more instantly recognisable than the 360's numerical equivalent. PSN however is seriously lacking a decent cross-game chat/party function which I never knew I needed so much until it wasn't an option!

I have played 3 games so far on the console; LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2 and Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time. All these games look amazing, and Killzone 2 visually gives the best games on the Xbox a run for their money. Now I am aware that this may be due to my choice of TV (Samsung 40" 1080p), but my PS3 does not automatically upscale to 1080p and will rather default to the 720p resolution. I have to manually override 720p on the settings so that it is not selected as an option - and only then will the PS3 choose 1080i/p. This would not be an issue, but as LittleBigPlanet does not support 1080i/p resolutions, unless I turn-on 720p before playing it it will default 480p - lame! Like I said it may be my TV (although 360 and V+ HD box work fine) so any assistance would be great!

Now I know this is a controversial statement given how much love people have for the PS3 controller, but I prefer the 360's pad. The triggers feel too close to the bumper pads (L1/R1), and I think that having a higher analogue stick on the left-hand side feels more natural. However the weight is less than the 360 controller - which is good! I cannot believe how small the designer of the charge cables living room must be, the cable barely reaches my sofa and I have a small lounge!
I picked-up a copy of the Dark Knight on Blu-ray. I was skeptical about the impact it would make over standard DVD, but the difference is notable. Having Blu-ray support built into the PS3 is a major advantage in my eyes over the 360.
Despite the negatives I have raised, I have been overall really impressed with the PlayStation 3. As a complete package the experience is a very good one, and rivals the Xbox 360. The 360 however, with its superior Live service, still takes the top-spot in my eyes!

ReplyDeletecan i add ..worldwide charts ps3 has 18 in the top 50….xbox only has 12. aa’aa’and..
Motorstorm 3
Twisted Metal 4
Ace combat 7
The mark of kri
Uncharted 3
Resistance 3
Killzone 3
God of war 3
Gran turismo 5
Grand theft auto 5
syphon filter 5
The last guardian
infamous 2
all exclusive…even ssx an ea game?!!! - hehe news , better believe im not joking either
Decent, balanced article. Good work, mate.
ReplyDeletethere is also 6 levels of sensitivity on the 4 face buttons. x square cicle triangle, as oppposed to on of with xbox abxy. sixaxis blutooth and usb cables. mmmmm swwweeeet.
ReplyDeleteThat is my opinion as well. I have both systems but I prefer the xbox features with Live so much more. I do disagree with the trophy system I prefer the achievement system that includes every game but I also have had Live since it launched. Both systems are good cant go wrong either way best to have both IMO they both have their strengths but if I had to choose one my 360 would win everytime.
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ReplyDeleteCheers guys for the comments! PS3 definitely had the uperhand last year in terms of AAA tittles. Not surprising tho, the Xbox has been around that little bit longer. Hopefully it will force Microsoft to pick-up the game a bit in 2010. At least Mass Effect 2 is even better than anticipated - that game rocks, and we still have Halo Reach, Splinter Cell, Alan Wake etc. to come! Good times!
ReplyDeleteI think the negatives you take from the PSN ie. lack of Twitter/Facebook are replaced by a full browser. SOmething the 360 can't do for some reason. Also, I think when you say KZ2 is on par with the best 360 graphics, you might need to adjust your settings, because poly counts have happened also texture resolutions etc wtih the best, ie. Gears and it stomps them in every way.
ReplyDeleteDecent article, of course it is an opinion, but you can't really say the PSn doesn't have Facebook and Twitter support as you get the full deal on the PS3 instead of some dumbed down version.
I agree Justin with your point, a dedicated browser is an excellent feature.
ReplyDeleteI however did not think that KZ2 was just 'on par', but rather gave the best of the 360 a 'run for there money'! It is a very very good looking game, definitely the best looking shooter I have played so far!
Anyways cheers for the feedback! :)