Thursday, 18 March 2010

Musings from the Void - Weekly Update 19/03/2010

Xbox 360 - If rumours from Joystiq are to be believed, the next Xbox 360 firmware update will allow users to transfer game saves to USB mass storage devices. To date, only Microsoft's Official Hard Drive and Memory Cards could be used with the console - a particular hindrance to those who have maxed out the entry level 120GB drive.

Final Fantasy - The thirteenth entry into the Final Fantasy series have only just launched and already there is talk about where the franchise is heading next. The director and producer has stated that Square Enix are interested in a sequel (i.e. FFXIII-2). Whilst it was never in doubt a new game will be made, it will be a very rare occurrence to see a direct sequel as most of the releases are stand alone tittles. Apparently sales of the game will ultimately determine the outcome, especially in the West. FFXIII has received mixed reviews but the franchises stellar reputation is already ensuring healthy global sales - especially in Japan.

Perfect Dark - The Xbox Live exclusive release of the N64 classic Perfect Dark is now avalible for download. So far reviews have been excellent (currently a Metacritic average of 83%) with praise on improved frame rate, online/offline multiplayer and co-op. In addition game mode Counter-Ops sees the player attempting to complete single-player levels whilst other players take control of the various enemy guards. Sounds like an essential, nostalgic, purchase!

God of War - Today (or National Kratos Day as its now known) sees the European release of PlayStation flagship tittle God of War III. As advised in last weeks Musings, reviews have been very positive. In addition the high regard for the franchise will ensure a healthy release day sales for existing PS3 owners. Some concern has been raised however that the current shortage of PS3 consoles may have some impact on the games performance, but personally I find it difficult to believe the game will not hit the top of the games chart. Both me and King_Of_Metal will be playing the game until "stupid-o-clock" tonight!

Mass Effect 2 - Before the first piece of Downloadable Content (DLC) has been released, Bioware have already announced details on the second pack to hit PC and Xbox Live. The DLC will see the final member of Shepard's squad, Kasumi, a female thief (more romancing perhaps?). Here is the press release and pictures:

The galaxy's most enigmatic thief Kasumi has enemies everywhere, but only a few could put a face to her name. Not much is known about her, other than Cerberus has contracted her to assist Commander Shepard in the mission to save mankind. In exchange, she requires help with a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly criminal known as Donovan Hook.

Predators - A sneak peak at Robert Rodriguez Predators was recently released. The film sees a band of humans transported to a Predator world where they are being hunted in a 'game reserve'. Check the website today as the official trailer is now avalible.

and finally.....

Rock Band - As of yesterday players of Rock Band can download a cover version of Lady Gaga's Pokerface performed by South Park's Eric Cartman (oh yeah!). Whilst not likely to test your skills to the limit, it's probably worth checking out for a laugh!

Screw you guys... I'm going home!

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