Game Room - Xbox 360's Game Room has been released today for free download over Xbox Live. The application that allows users to create a custom arcade for both there own and friends avatars to hang-out in will also support achievements. A complete list can be found at Xbox360Achievements and interestingly it will contain the same amount of Gamerscore points as a full retail game. This is not the first time whereby a free application has supported achievements, notably 1vs100.

***UPDATE 25/03/2010***
Sony have now put out the following statement, which basically denies the existience of LBP2!
"As demonstrated recently at GDC, LittleBigPlanet has been shown as an example of how an existing game could benefit from PlayStation Move Motion Controller support. This is not a confirmation of LittleBigPlanet 2, and we do not have any announcements to make about the LittleBigPlanet franchise."
Killzone 3 - On the back of the LBP announcement, Jack Tretton (President of Sony Computer Entertainment America) whilst talking about the viability of Microsoft's Project Natal, has promised that Killzone 3 will be developed for PlayStation 3 owners. No other details have been confirmed, even whether the game is actually currently under production, but it's good to know it will happen.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior - IGN have provided an in depth look at Sniper, a new game for the Xbox 360 and PC. Despite being a budget tittle, the game looks promising and sports some very impressive visuals. Stealth is key, complete with a puzzle-like approach to deciding the best time to execute guards and gather resources without being detected. Currently the game is not scheduled for a release outside the US but hopefully if it meets expectation and sales are good, we will see a European release later in the year.

Transformers 3 - Michael Bay, director of the Tranformers movies, has confirmed that the Ferrari 458 will make an appearance in his next film. Shooting of the film begins next month (April), and Bay promises a more 'character-centric' approach to filming after the critically dismissed Tranformers 2.

PlayStation Move - Kotaku have posted two new videos of Sony's Move in action, specifically focusing on content manipulation in an augmented reality. The videos are not able to be embedded here but I recommend you visit the site and check them out as they are very impressive.

BioWare - Curiously a count-down timer has appeared on BioWare's website. Due to expire on Monday it appears on the Mass Effect and Dragon Age sections of the site (not the Star Wars: The Old Republic area). A new game perhaps? Mass Effect on PS3? New DLC? We will have to wait to find out.

and finally.....
Gamesmaster - James (a.k.a King_Of_Metal) has set-up a Facebook group to try and bring back the classic video game TV series Gamesmaster. As he mentions with games more popular now than ever it seems the perfect time for it to return (so long as Patrick Moore also makes an appearance!). You can become a fan here.

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