5# Forza Motorsport 3
It's not that often that a game comes along that raises the bar for its genre. A lot of critics argue that the Xbox 360 reached its full potential in terms of visuals a long time ago. Forza 3 has single-handedly proven that the Xbox 360 has so much more graphical potential to give than ever imagined. Quite simply, Forza 3 is incredible to look at.

The game itself is a powerhouse of content with over 400 cars (modelled with 10x more polygons than Forza 2) and 100 plus courses, it is enough to satisfy even the most dedicated petrol-heads. All cars are fully customisable from upgrading the brake pads on a Ferrari 458 Italia to painting the bonnet of an Audi R8.
Forza 3 (like the Gran Turismo series) defines itself as a racing simulator. That said perhaps Forza 3's best new addition is its fully customisable difficulty. Tied into its RPG-like XP system, players can tweak every feature from driver AI, auto breaking and traction control, allowing them to increase XP earned per race by adjusting difficulty modifiers. This in turn also allows novices to create a more comfortable experience through assists such as driving lines and easier opponents. As players level-up new cars are unlocked and access to new racetracks is granted.
Along with the single player experience Forza 3 also allows for racing both split screen and over Xbox Live. In addition a built in store allows individuals to sell cars, decals and set-ups via virtual auctions using in-game credits.

This feature not only allows people to show off their own creations (see image) but also provides newcomers a chance to acquire vehicles they wouldn't otherwise have access to.
Forza 3 is easily the definitive driving game of 2009 and has set the standard for future racers. It provides an unparalleled depth and equally rewards gamers of any skill who are willing to give Forza 3 the time it deserves.
4# Shadow Complex
Shadow Complex is an Xbox Live Arcade title written by author Peter David (Star Trek) and published by Epic Games (Gears of War). The game is clearly inspired by side-scrolling adventure games such as Super Metroid and Castlevania.

The plot involves the main character stumbling upon a secret organisation hell-bent on creating a modern day civil war. Things spiral out-of-control when his girlfriend is kidnapped by the shady organisation under the suspicion of being a government spy.
Players find themselves navigating a single map where each 'section' is indicated by a square on a grid. A variety of puzzles provide a diverse range of challenges and completionists will find themselves backtracking to reach previously inaccessible areas to collect hidden items.

It is an understatement to say that Epic Games have clearly invested a lot of talent in making Shadow Complex. The game provides frequent jaw-dropping battles and environments that are so rich in detail it becomes easy to get engrossed for hours at a time exploring every corner of its massive world.
The game has further blurred the line between full retail titles and arcade games. Its depth, stunning visuals and addictive game play not only makes it one of the best arcade games of 2009, but one of the best games of 2009.
3# Halo ODST
Originally developed as an expansion pack to Halo 3, Halo ODST quickly grew into a full retail title offering players the opportunity to take a break from playing as Master Chief. You take control of various ODST's (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) who have crashed landed in the city New Mombasa right after the events experienced in Halo 2.

The game is much more moodier than its predecessors, and primarily focuses on stealth over strength. In addition some subtle tweaks to the game (including the need to collect health packs and the inability to jump as high as the chief) serve to remind players that you are no longer a super soldier.
Perhaps the most impressive feature of ODST is its use of veteran TV actors for the voice talent. It's no surprise that Bungie are fans of the series Firefly, employing Nathan Fillion, Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk, along with Battlestar Cylon Tricia Helfer. In addition Marty O'Donnell, as always, does an outstanding job composing the game's music.
Unlike the more linear structure to the previous Halo games, ODST revolves around a central hub city where you as "the rookie" search for clues to the whereabouts of your lost squadron. Once you find a clue (e.g. a detonated remote charge) the game flashbacks to the event and you take control of that ODST offering a more traditional Halo level structure.

Despite the excellent (although perhaps a little short) single player experience, Halo ODST also offers players a 'Gears of War' style horde mode called Firefight in which up to 4 players attempt to survive waves of enemy troops. In addition, provided on a separate disc is the whole Halo 3 multiplayer experience including every single map released over Xbox Live plus 3 exclusive maps. As if that was not enough, the game also offers access to the Halo Reach beta due to go live 2010.
Halo ODST provides a reliable Halo experience with the same quality and fun-factor of any other games in the series. Whereas this could have been enough, Bungie have truly outdone themselves by offering such a complete package that includes more value per disc than any other game. Bring on Halo Reach!
2# Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Now the dust has settled on the tour de force that is Modern Warfare 2 it is unbelievable how much impact this game has had not only on the gaming industry but the entertainment industry as a whole. Its first day sales was the biggest entertainment launch of all time in terms of pure revenue, beating all other games, movies or music records held. What Modern Warfare 2 proved was that the games industry cannot be ignored and is bigger than ever before.

Infinity Ward knew the formula set out in Modern Warfare 1 was a tried-and-tested one that already had set the standard for first person shooters in this console generation. Modern Warfare 2 is not that different to look at to its predecessor. It has the same addictive multiplayer experience and Hollywood-esque single player campaign. Everything however is bigger, much bigger!
The campaign brings the fight to the American front this time, with modern day Russia launching a pre-emptive strike on the country. You find yourself fighting in both the suburbs of towns and in the shadow of various key landmarks (including the White House). These scenes present an eerie look at an untouchable nation crippled by war and provides an incredible interpretation of World War 3. As with all other Call of Duty titles the campaign is split between different military points of views. Although the American campaign is clearly the grandest, it is the British Task Force that is by far the coolest. The less trigger-happy approach and character based story-telling does a much better job than its American equivalent at engrossing gamers in the deep (and often complicated) plot.
The music in Modern Warfare is amongst the best in any game thanks to the efforts of composer Hans Zimmer. In addition the weapon sounds and explosives are phenomenal creating a wonderful and immersive atmosphere.
Once you have finished the single player campaign you find yourself rewarded with a rich and deep multiplayer experience. Like Modern Warfare 1, players earn XP for completing challenges, winning games and killing other players. This in turn increases the player's rank and unlocks equipment, weapons and perks that can be used to customise your soldier. This addictive need to strive for higher rankings ensures that players will be returning to matchmaking for a long time.

Finally it is worth noting the new game mode, called Spec Ops. This involves players tackling challenges either by themselves or via co-op. These challenges vary from piloting the infamous AC 130 to racing snow mobiles across frozen landscapes. These addictive and diverse set-pieces provide a vast expansion on the main game's content and possibly hint towards the type of download content to come.
To say Modern Warfare 2 lived-up to the hype is an understatement. The sheer variety of game play options mixed with the usual Call of Duty accessibility ensures this game's place within the top 5 games of the year.
1# Fallout 3: GOTY Edition
Although technically released in 2008 I believe the Game of the Year Edition differentiates itself enough not only to be considered separate to the original title, but also my favourite game of 2009!

The game is huge, possibly the largest game on this console generation, and will have players investing serious amounts of time in its world.
The game is set in the future, a bleak interpretation of a post-apocalyptic America devastated by nuclear war and mixes both first-person and RPG game play. You begin the game in one of several vaults that hold generations of families who managed to survive the initial attack. After a short while you emerge from your home and begin the search for your missing father, navigating stunning vistas from the dry and often barren "capital wasteland" to Washington DC and its surrounding landmarks.

Although set in the future, Fallout 3 is clearly inspired by the art period prevalent in the 50's, and provides a nod to the Cold War era with China being the superpower who launched the nuclear attack. Fallout 3 mixes this retro 50's style with some very advanced weaponry. Players get the chance to utilise a variety of weapons including laser and plasma riffles, gauss riffles and even the "Fat Man" - a small nuclear warhead launcher taking its name from the real-life bomb dropped on Nagasaki.
Despite Fallout 3's first-person perspective it is very different to other traditional shooters such as Halo and Call of Duty. Primarily an RPG, players are required to earn XP which can then be invested in various skills and traits. These range from bartering skills to increasing explosive damage and offer a highly customisable experience. Unique to Fallout 3 is V.A.T.S. (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System), whereby players can pause the real-time battle and target specific body-parts of enemies. These parts, depending on the enemy, have a 'likelihood of missing' percentage which improves as players level-up throughout their game.
What separates the GOTY edition from the original fallout 3 is its inclusion of 5 separate expansion packs. These add a variety of new experiences and even offer the chance to play beyond the ending present in the original game, and have an increased level cap from 20 to 30. Completing the main stories alone, ignoring the huge number of side-quests, is likely to take 30+ hours.

Bethesda have created a true masterpiece with Fallout 3, creating a wonderful yet often twisted take on a post-apocalyptic America. The game play is addictive and varied, and the plot truly original. For gamers looking for a rich and fulfilling experience Fallout 3 is second-to-none, and I can not recommend it enough.
Very nice work my friend. Another good article for the 'archive'!