Bayonette Demo (PS3 Version - PSN): I had heard some contrasting stories about this before I got my grubby mitts on it. On the one hand it's suppose to be a killer 3rd person beat-um up in the vein on God of War and Devil May Cry and on the other it was suffering from some serious technical issues. Good news is I didn't experience any of the horrid screen tear and frame rate issues that people had reported on the Japanese version. Game wise I did really enjoy it. It was fast paced, fun and a stereotypically colourful Japanese game. Once I finished the demo I felt that it would be the perfect starter/warm-up to God of War 3...but that was before I played....
Dante's Inferno (PS3 dem

o - PSN): Lets start by getting it out of the way - Its true what you've heard, it
IS identical to God of War 3! The controls are the same, the moves are the same and the level up system is pretty much the same but hey if you're gonna rip something off, you might as well steal from the best! The only difference is that GoW 3 is based on Greek mythology and Dante's is based on Christian Mythology. I always had faith in this game since it was announced as Visceral did an amazing job on Dead Space. I especially thought the power to 'punish' or 'absolve' enemies in the game was a really nice, original touch. The game played and looked incredible and I am really excited about getting stuck into the game when it is finally released...Kratos may have to watch his back as a new boy has rolled into town. (Available now from the American PSN Store)
Playgamer - Issu

e 2: I saw this in my local WHSmiths and decided to buy it seeing as it was only £2.99. I've been waiting for ages for a dedicated PS3 to come out that was less than £5! To be honest I never want or watch the free CD/DVD/Blu-ray that you normally get free so I'm really happy that one has been released without one and inturn therefore a lot cheaper. It contained some cool articles on Darksiders, Alien Vs Predator, Dark Void and EA MMA. The layout is quite refreshing and there are not reams of adverts. Issue 3 is due out on 17/12/09 - so check it out (

New Family Guy - 'Something, Something, Something Dark Side': My initial thoughts are that while it was funny it wasn't as good as Blue Harvest. The jokes aren't as clever and it has more of a random feel than Seth McFarlane's first animated vision of the Star Wars universe (not dissimilar to the more recent seasons of Family Guy). Unlike the original I think you need to have seen Family Guy as much as Stars Wars to get the most out of the multitude of Family Guy based in-jokes. It obviously has a high budget but the story doesn't seem quite as polished. That said there are still some quality moments with the best of these being the scenes on Hoth. Like the recent series of Lego games it is very enjoyable seeing humorous takes of some of your favourite cinematic scenes. If you like Star Wars or Family Guy, or perhaps both (like myself) then give it a watch and you will love it. However if you are an uber Star Wars Geek I think you'll enjoy the Robot Chicken Stars Wars episodes even more.
I also started playing inFAMOUS and The Orange Box (PS3 Version) this week as well as seeing Richard Kelly's 'The Box'. With regards to the latter if I can get my head round it I may post up a review in the near future!
Finally check out my retrospective article about Kiss' Music from "The Elder" on my mates blog, '
Into The Void'
Still working on my 'Games of 2009' list and I hope to post it up in the next few days, so check back soon! Till then "Party on dudes!"
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