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Friday, 30 April 2010
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Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Musings from the Void - Weekly Update 24/03/2010

Game Room - Xbox 360's Game Room has been released today for free download over Xbox Live. The application that allows users to create a custom arcade for both there own and friends avatars to hang-out in will also support achievements. A complete list can be found at Xbox360Achievements and interestingly it will contain the same amount of Gamerscore points as a full retail game. This is not the first time whereby a free application has supported achievements, notably 1vs100.

***UPDATE 25/03/2010***
Sony have now put out the following statement, which basically denies the existience of LBP2!
"As demonstrated recently at GDC, LittleBigPlanet has been shown as an example of how an existing game could benefit from PlayStation Move Motion Controller support. This is not a confirmation of LittleBigPlanet 2, and we do not have any announcements to make about the LittleBigPlanet franchise."
Killzone 3 - On the back of the LBP announcement, Jack Tretton (President of Sony Computer Entertainment America) whilst talking about the viability of Microsoft's Project Natal, has promised that Killzone 3 will be developed for PlayStation 3 owners. No other details have been confirmed, even whether the game is actually currently under production, but it's good to know it will happen.

Sniper: Ghost Warrior - IGN have provided an in depth look at Sniper, a new game for the Xbox 360 and PC. Despite being a budget tittle, the game looks promising and sports some very impressive visuals. Stealth is key, complete with a puzzle-like approach to deciding the best time to execute guards and gather resources without being detected. Currently the game is not scheduled for a release outside the US but hopefully if it meets expectation and sales are good, we will see a European release later in the year.

Transformers 3 - Michael Bay, director of the Tranformers movies, has confirmed that the Ferrari 458 will make an appearance in his next film. Shooting of the film begins next month (April), and Bay promises a more 'character-centric' approach to filming after the critically dismissed Tranformers 2.

PlayStation Move - Kotaku have posted two new videos of Sony's Move in action, specifically focusing on content manipulation in an augmented reality. The videos are not able to be embedded here but I recommend you visit the site and check them out as they are very impressive.

BioWare - Curiously a count-down timer has appeared on BioWare's website. Due to expire on Monday it appears on the Mass Effect and Dragon Age sections of the site (not the Star Wars: The Old Republic area). A new game perhaps? Mass Effect on PS3? New DLC? We will have to wait to find out.

and finally.....
Gamesmaster - James (a.k.a King_Of_Metal) has set-up a Facebook group to try and bring back the classic video game TV series Gamesmaster. As he mentions with games more popular now than ever it seems the perfect time for it to return (so long as Patrick Moore also makes an appearance!). You can become a fan here.

Thursday, 18 March 2010
Musings from the Void - Weekly Update 19/03/2010

Final Fantasy - The thirteenth entry into the Final Fantasy series have only just launched and already there is talk about where the franchise is heading next. The director and producer has stated that Square Enix are interested in a sequel (i.e. FFXIII-2). Whilst it was never in doubt a new game will be made, it will be a very rare occurrence to see a direct sequel as most of the releases are stand alone tittles. Apparently sales of the game will ultimately determine the outcome, especially in the West. FFXIII has received mixed reviews but the franchises stellar reputation is already ensuring healthy global sales - especially in Japan.
Perfect Dark - The Xbox Live exclusive release of the N64 classic Perfect Dark is now avalible for download. So far reviews have been excellent (currently a Metacritic average of 83%) with praise on improved frame rate, online/offline multiplayer and co-op. In addition game mode Counter-Ops sees the player attempting to complete single-player levels whilst other players take control of the various enemy guards. Sounds like an essential, nostalgic, purchase!
God of War - Today (or National Kratos Day as its now known) sees the European release of PlayStation flagship tittle God of War III. As advised in last weeks Musings, reviews have been very positive. In addition the high regard for the franchise will ensure a healthy release day sales for existing PS3 owners. Some concern has been raised however that the current shortage of PS3 consoles may have some impact on the games performance, but personally I find it difficult to believe the game will not hit the top of the games chart. Both me and King_Of_Metal will be playing the game until "stupid-o-clock" tonight!
Mass Effect 2 - Before the first piece of Downloadable Content (DLC) has been released, Bioware have already announced details on the second pack to hit PC and Xbox Live. The DLC will see the final member of Shepard's squad, Kasumi, a female thief (more romancing perhaps?). Here is the press release and pictures:
The galaxy's most enigmatic thief Kasumi has enemies everywhere, but only a few could put a face to her name. Not much is known about her, other than Cerberus has contracted her to assist Commander Shepard in the mission to save mankind. In exchange, she requires help with a dangerous heist to infiltrate the vault of a deadly criminal known as Donovan Hook.

Predators - A sneak peak at Robert Rodriguez Predators was recently released. The film sees a band of humans transported to a Predator world where they are being hunted in a 'game reserve'. Check the website today as the official trailer is now avalible.
and finally.....
Rock Band - As of yesterday players of Rock Band can download a cover version of Lady Gaga's Pokerface performed by South Park's Eric Cartman (oh yeah!). Whilst not likely to test your skills to the limit, it's probably worth checking out for a laugh!
Screw you guys... I'm going home!
Sony 'Move' Presentation at GDC '10 - Overview and Thoughts *UPDATED*

In his opening gambit Shuhei Yoshida announced that motion control had finally come to the PS3 and the precision, accuracy and responsiveness of Move means that it can handle hardcore games as well as the the casual, social games that uptil now have dominated the motion controlled gaming landscape.

It was also confirmed that the Move would released in several different bundles, with the Starter Bundle being available for less than $100 (that'll be $99.99 then!). The 3 bundles announced were as follows:
- a starter kit with a PlayStation Eye, a PlayStation Move motion controller, and a demo/sampler disc,
- a full PlayStation 3 console pack with a PlayStation 3 console, DualShock 3, PlayStation Eye, and PlayStation Move motion controller, and
- bundles of a PlayStation Move motion controller with select games.

The Half-way point of the presentation saw the appearance of Scott Rohde (VP of Product Development, SCEA) who gave a walkthrough of several launch games. Prior to the demonstrations he did state that the Move "latency was on par with that of the Sixth Axis Wireless Controller". This has since been disputed buy some members of the press who apparently got hands-on experience in the Arcade at GDC. However from what i saw during the demos it did seem pretty spot on with regards to the responsiveness. I guess most of us won't know until it is finally released at the end of the year. I am pretty sure the 'Natal lag Vs Move lag' debate will continue even after both have hit the shelves!...Please note that many of names of the games are only working titles and the demo's running are all a pre-Alpha code.

The next demo saw the focus switch from new games to existing franchises. Sony have already confirmed that a lot of existing games will/can be updated via a patch to support Move. The game on show at the GDC to demonstrate the Move compatibility was LBP. In the demo shown one player controlled Sackboy and the other controlled switches, objects and the environment using Move. This demo was interesting as it put a slightly different spin on the established LBP co-op play. Whereas normally in the LBP multi-player it can get quite competitive with the various players trying to collect more stickers or points than the other the implementation of Move means players will have to play together if they want to complete the levels. While this looked fun it had the feel of a game that's had motion control bolted on as an after thought. While this is obvious as LBP has been out 18 months I am not sure if LBP will benefit from the addition of Move. However it is going to be interesting to see how Move is used in other existing titles such as Killzone etc.

I know since its launch much has been said about the lack of serious/hardcore games on the Wii and in turn much has been said (since the announcement of the newly named Move) about the use of the Move in more 'serious' gaming but would games like God of War or Call of Duty really benefit from having motion controls? While initially it would feel quite exciting and different I really think that it would get tiresome quickly and I really don't think hardcore gamers would permanently swap their SixAxis for Move. Saying that I believe there is room for both traditional, serious games and more casual, party games in anyones collection. Come the Autumn when the public is able to get there hands on Move/Natal we will be able to make own minds up as to whether HD Next Gen Motion Controlled Games really are the future. JB
PS. For anyone that did not have a chance to see the presentation last week then I have posted up the live stream for your viewing pleasure.
Live TV by Ustream
Minority Report style Tech Demo - This looks very cool!
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Xbox 360 Review: Mass Effect 2 (Spoiler Free)

Mass Effect 2 is likely to consume upwards of 30 hours of your time completing the game and its various side missions. Long gone is the need to roam empty planets looking for resources. Instead players scan planets for resources from ship orbit, occasionally picking-up on radio signals of areas to explore. Once one of these signals is found you can venture to the planets surface and investigate. Any resources gathered can then be used to purchase upgrades for Sheppard, the squad or even your ship - the Normandy. It is worth noting however that mining resources is not likely to be to everybody's taste. Whilst I personally believe it is a better approach to planet exploration than the methods used in Mass Effect, I can appreciate that some may find it laborious. Luckily it does not have to be a large part of the game, and can be mostly overlooked if required.

Another good thing about Mass Effect 2 is that you do not need to be a die-hard RPG fan to enjoy the experience it offers. The game has an easily accessible levelling system that is not over-complicated and means that players can tailor there own character to their style of play. The options available for customisation range from combat focused firefight techniques to tech and biotic skills.

Mass Effect 2 is a technical wonder and improvement on it's predecessor in every way. In my opinion no other game on the Xbox 360 has offered more compelling storylines and varied missions, coupled with a great combat system that is both responsive and easy to use. No matter what style of game you enjoy, Mass Effect 2 offers something for everyone and with downloadable content already available (and more to come), complete with the incentive for multiple playthroughs - the game will last you a very long time. Perhaps the one drawback is that people who have not played Mass Effect will not experience the technical feat that importing your character has to offer, that said it should not be a reason to overlook this game which in my eyes is one of the best next-gen games so far.

Thursday, 11 March 2010
Musings from the Void - Weekly Update 11/03/2010

GDC 2010 - This week GDC kicked-off, the games expo featuring conferences from video game developers. Most notably was the full reveal of the PlayStation Move controller - a motion sensitive device that promises to offer a more accurate experience than the Nintendo Wii. The controller was demoed running with a variety of games including a Wii Sports-equivalent tittle, LittleBigPlanet and notably SOCOM. At GDC it was also confirmed (unsurprisingly but it's good to know!) that Gran Turismo 5 will launch this year. Check back soon on Transmissions as King_Of_Metal promises a full GDC round-up.

Medal of Honor - EA's veteran shooter is following in the steps of its bigger brother Call of Duty by moving into modern times. The game, due to release Q3 2010, will send players into modern-day Afghanistan. The game will place you in sensitive mission types where you are tasked to blend into your environment, suggesting a good-deal of stealth game play. The multiplayer portion of the game will be handled by DICE studios, famous for the impressive Battlefield series.

and finally.....
Stargate Universe - The second half of SGU returns this April and MGM have released a new trailer, and it's guaranteed to get you excited! Check out clips of the first true alien encounter and space battle for the Destiny - good times to be a geek!
Sunday, 7 March 2010
PS3 Review: Heavy Rain (Spoiler Free)

You won't be surprised to learn that a game that has been advertised as an 'interactive film' is indeed very cinematic. Saying that the game draws from several mediums including TV (Dexter) and comics (check out the sequence in the nightclub where the owner is talking to a shadowy 'Rorschach'-esque figure)
Before release there were many comments made by David Cage saying that the game is all about emotions and choices. Now if i was being honest when I read that I really didn't know what to make of it and really didn't think that you could get that emotionally involved in a game, regardless of how good the graphics and characters were. However I am glad to say that I was wrong. For once, we have a game that is all about the story, atmosphere and characters. The combination of the rain soaked setting and some genuinely disturbing set pieces it feels it could easily be the lovechild of Saw and Seven (Se7en?) - cheery this game is not!

As the game is story driven I was very angered to hear (see 'Musings...' - 25/02/2010) that a few selfish individuals had leaked the ending online prior to the games release. This news annoyed me for two reasons:
1) I wanted to experience every twist and turn as the creators had intended without the knowledge of knowing what happens always in the back of mind, potential guiding my hand and dictating how I play it and,
2) The leaking of plots points could effect the sales of the game (as people might not bother buying it if they know what happens) and could result in developers/publishers being more reluctant to take a chance on exciting, fresh, story driven titles in the future, which would be bad news for anyone with a interest in video games.

While it could be argued that this game is nothing but a fancy 'point and click' mixed with Dragonslair all topped off with sumptuous graphics, it would be doing it a huge injustice. While my first play through only took me about 7-8 hours it doesn't end there as there are still many hours to be had replaying the game and seeing how the story pans out after making different decisions. To be honest its one of the only games I've played in recent times that I've wanted to play through again almost immediately on completion.
With its top notch graphics, great use of sound and compelling story line this is a definite must for all PS3 owners and the first great PS3 game of 2010. (JB)