New Borderlands DLC - Gearbox Software and 2K Games have released the first details for the third DLC expansion to Borderlands. Called The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, the new content is pitched as having "never-before-seen enemies in a huge new environment complete with tons of brand new missions." New weapons and items are also promised, along with a previously confirmed raising of the character level cap above 50 (However Gearbox have yet to confirm the new ceiling). Still, Gearbox states there will be "new challenges and opportunities for growth for characters from around level 34 to level 50."
I personally cant wait for the DLC and am looking forward to blasting some fresh deranged denizens of Pandora with some new brutal elemental weapons!

Finally the last bit of info regarding God of War 3 is that Sony have confirmed that the new trailer will be air on US TV on 11th of Feb. Once it hits the 'net i'll post it up for your viewing pleasure. Bear with me while I book the 19th March off work....
..and finally: PS3 fans will be happy know that Bayonette has finally been Sony. It seems one of the major problems with the PS3 version of the game has been fixed, the excessive loading times. Since launch many people have said that this particular problem made the game almost unbearable to play. However a patch has been released allowing players to install a huge part of the game onto their HD and in turn speeding up loading times. However it is rumoured that this patch was not created by Sega or Platinum but Sony. If this is true, then shame on you Sega. JB
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