New Borderlands DLC - Gearbox Software and 2K Games have released the first details for the third DLC expansion to Borderlands. Called The Secret Armory of General Knoxx, the new content is pitched as having "never-before-seen enemies in a huge new environment complete with tons of brand new missions." New weapons and items are also promised, along with a previously confirmed raising of the character level cap above 50 (However Gearbox have yet to confirm the new ceiling). Still, Gearbox states there will be "new challenges and opportunities for growth for characters from around level 34 to level 50."
I personally cant wait for the DLC and am looking forward to blasting some fresh deranged denizens of Pandora with some new brutal elemental weapons!
God of War 3 - Kratos fans rejoice!!! God of War 3 has finally got a release date - 16/03/2010. While this is the American release date SCEE have said that it is highly likely it will hit UK stores the same week (Friday 19th March?). Once the guys at SCEE have confirmed a definite date I will let you know. It has also been confirmed that the UK will not be getting the Collectors Edition of the game that was recently unveiled by a Swedish Retailer, which is a shame. A UK Sony Rep stated that the reason us Brits will not be getting our hands on it is because they have decided to go for the Ultimate Trilogy Edition over the Collectors Edition. While the latter is lovely and better in every way, it is twice the price at £110. Oh well best get saving...
On the back of the announcement regarding the release date and multiple editions, Sony have also announced that the release of the AAA title will be backed by a massive marketing campaign. Starting on Feb 1st, Sony will be teaming up with several large retail chains and at least one major soft drink company and unleashing a series of God of War 3 themed products. For example 7-Eleven in the States will be offering a 'Kratos Fury' Flavour Mountain Dew (I want one! ).
Finally the last bit of info regarding God of War 3 is that Sony have confirmed that the new trailer will be air on US TV on 11th of Feb. Once it hits the 'net i'll post it up for your viewing pleasure. Bear with me while I book the 19th March off work....
..and finally: PS3 fans will be happy know that Bayonette has finally been Sony. It seems one of the major problems with the PS3 version of the game has been fixed, the excessive loading times. Since launch many people have said that this particular problem made the game almost unbearable to play. However a patch has been released allowing players to install a huge part of the game onto their HD and in turn speeding up loading times. However it is rumoured that this patch was not created by Sega or Platinum but Sony. If this is true, then shame on you Sega. JB
I have always loved comics and recently Sony has introduced a new and exciting way to read them using your trusty PSP. The new PSP digital reader is a nice and easy to use and brings an added dimension to an age old medium. I even think that it has the potential to increase the sale of PSP units if implemented and supported properly.
I've read a few comics using the viewer and it works brilliantly. The options are good and the auto flow system is slick (however you can turn it off if you wanna go 'old school'). The menus are easy to use and the archive/collection is easy to navigate (See screen shot to the left - It is not dissimilar to the iPod's album cover system). Plus they don't take long to download either - just a few minutes in most cases.
Check out the video below to see it in all its glory.
The 2 things that will dictate if it is a success or not are the price and selection. The price range so far is either £0.00, £0.79 or £1.19. Free is always nice but i think people will be prepared to pay something if the product is good. Personally i think £1.19 is a tad high (especially for lesser known, older comics or series) but £0.79 is similar to the i-tunes pricing and is quite reasonable. The store has only been open for 6 weeks and the selection is already pretty good (I read somewhere that there is already 400-500 hundred). It is a good mix of old,new, mainstream and indie. At this rate by the end of 2010 the selection could genuinely be huge. However I did find it a bit of a pain finding specific issues on the store (to be honest that isn't unique to just the Comic Store). At the moment the Publishers that are supporting the service are as follows:
Marvel (Including Civil War - result!) Image 2000AD Disney IDW Ape Entertainment Dabel Brothers Red 5 Archie Insomnia
Personally I really want Sony to broker a deal to bring Manga, DC and Darkhorse in because that would pretty much cover all the main bases. I'd love to be able to read some old Akira comics or the new Hellboy while on the way to work via my PSP.
If you want to sample some digital comics then all you'll need is firmware 6.2 or higher installed on your PSP and the Digital Comic Reader App (which can be downloaded free form the PSN store). Once that's done head over to the PSN Comic store and start downloading some of those comics. If i were to make a suggestion then check out Marvel's 'Civil War' series....Enjoy.
Apple - Apple have finally unveiled the iPad - the latest gadget that 'no one ever knew they needed but soon all will want'. The device looks almost identical to the iPhone (apart from being much larger) and will bridge the gap between mobile devices and laptops. Features include Wi-Fi/3G, ability to download magazines and books, downloadable games and inter-changeable iPhone apps. The 16GB version will set you back a decent $500 and 3G access will require a monthly subscription.
Mass Effect 2- Reviews for the space saga have been rolling-in fast and it looks like the benchmark for 2010 has been set very high indeed. Right now the game sits with an average 96% score on Metacritic, receiving a large number of 'perfect' 100% scores. Particular praise has been given to the games ability to link your actions in Mass Effect 1 to the sequel, greatly affecting the character interactions and story lines.
The Sims - The first content only expansion for The Sims 3 will hit stores February. The 'High-End Loft Stuff' pack will give users a roomy new loft and tonnes of modern electrical equipment including flat screen TVs, game consoles etc.
Grand Theft Auto IV- For PlayStation 3 and PC owners looking to get their hands on the previously exclusive Xbox 360 'Episodes from Liberty City' the wait is almost over. Despite months of speculation and false hopes Rockstar have finally confirmed the 2 expansions will be available on March 30th. Both games have received much praise from Xbox 360 owners and provide substantial new material over the original GTA IV.
Avatar- Despite admitting Cameron had no plans for a sequel to the Box Office busting Avatar prior to it's release, it appears a sequel is already in pre-production according to SlashFilm. Film crew have been hired for a 3-5 year contract, with 20th Century Fox understandably keen for a quick follow-up movie.
Naughty Bear - A new trailer for the family friendly (honest) cuddly adventure has hit the web, check it out below:
The more I see of this game, the more I want it!
Lost Planet 2 - An unusual trailer hit Xbox Live earlier this week for Lost Planet 2 in which Marcus and Dom from Gears of War show up to kick some Akrid ass. How the characters will fit into the game remains to be seen. Will they just be a skin or something more substantial?
and finally.....
Miramax - Disney have finally laid to rest Miramax - the film division behind Reservoir Dogs, The English Patient and The Crying Game. Despite buying-out Miramax for $70 million in 1993, slow budget cuts and internal dispute between the companies founders has resulted in it being closed down. An uncertain outcome still remains for those films currently under development.
This fall 2 new players will enter the casual gaming sector, Microsoft and Sony. This market, already dominated by the Nintendo Wii, presents an opportunity to broaden their customer profile and a chance to take a share of the multi-billion dollar profits Nintendo have been dominating.
So what approach are Microsoft and Sony taking? This article will provide an overview of the very different hardware both companies are developing and provide a verdict on who I tip to be the most likely to succeed in this lucrative market.
Sony Motion Controller
So here is Sony's choice. A Wii-inspired approach using a 'wand' to translate movement to the console. But the appearance of the controller is where similarity between the 2 sets of hardware mostly ends, as Sony have a different method for tracking users movements. Whereas the Wii remote uses an accelerometer to detect movement (think tipping your iPhone on the side so the screen auto-rotates) and a sensor for pointing, Sony's 'wand' will utilise the PlayStation Eye camera for tracking.
The 'orb' at the end (which is capable of changing colour) is tracked in real time 3D by the camera to determine where the person moves the 'wand'. This highly accurate technique allows for a more accurate field of movement than the Wii equivalent and if the device is blocked behind an object the in-built accelerometer can briefly step-in to ensure the experience is not interrupted.
Recent tech demo's have shown the 'wand' being used as a sword and DualShock 3 as a shield, although it is expected that a Wii Nunchuk-like add-on will be released nearer the time. Although the tracking of the 'wand' is different to the Wii Remote approach, the motion experience is unlikely to be that different to the Wii. Because of this it remains to be seen if Wii owners are likely to migrate over to Sony's console. Having said that, people looking to have the best of both the casual and hardcore gaming market will find the choice hard to ignore (something that the Wii hardware simply does not offer).
Hardware aside, the success of Sony's venture into the causal market will ultimately be determined by the choice of games available. In 2009 the Wii found itself ranked #6 in terms of Metacritic average score for games that year, with the PlayStation 3 #1. This helps to illustrate that perhaps whilst hardware aimed towards casual gaming is very popular amongst consumers, ultimately the software quality is essential to maintain a competitive edge.
+ Tech should allow for an accurate translation of movement + Low risk option that will offer at least the same level of experience as the Wii + Camera will help to immerse players through mixing both visual and movement interaction + Playing God of War with a motion controller
- Expensive for people who do not own the camera component already - Unlikely to attract Wii owners/offer a unique experience
Project Natal
Project Natal was announced June 2009 at E3 and showcased a unique approach to the casual gaming market. By using a sensor that can be positioned either above or under the users TV, the console can map and render a 3D image of them. The player can then interact with a game using there whole body, from head to toe, and even by opening their mouth.
The technology uses an RGB camera and depth sensor, mostly using infrared to read the player even in low light conditions. The peripheral also includes a microphone for voice control of the console and is capable of facial recognition. Uses of this have ranged from speaking "Facebook" to launch the application, to the console signing-in players to there own profile when they step into the room.
Whilst the device sounds like a real life example of the technology used in Minority Report, one specific concern has been raised by journalists lucky enough to try the hardware out regarding lag between player movement and its translation to in-game character. Recent reports have however indicated that rather than having a dedicated processor Microsoft have changed the design to use a portion of the Xbox 360's inbuilt power reducing any induced lag. This will of course restrict the amount of processing power available for each game to use.
Applications of the device at E3 included painting a virtual piece of art, playing sports and practicing Karate. Most impressive however was the interaction with a computer AI called Milo which has been in development since 2001, offering unparalleled experiences between the character and user.
+ Unique experience compared to Nintendo's Wii, likely to appeal as an alternative + First true controller-less gaming experience + No need to purchase several pieces of hardware for multiplayer + Playing Street Fighter using your whole body
- Physical presence of a controller hard to replace in some games such as first-person shooters - Remains to be seen how accurate the device is compared to Sony's motion wand
Final Verdict
If I personally had to bet on one product succeeding this Christmas it would be Sony's Motion Controller. Sony have chosen a similar approach to Nintendo in terms of hardware and therefore will offer both a causal and hardcore gaming experience in one box. I do believe that if Natal works fluidly, and has an affordable price tag, then it perhaps could challenge the Wii to the casual gaming top-spot. Despite this neither will succeed unless they have a decent line-up of games available at launch, and do not become complacent with Wii-like third party games that are sub-par.
To see the 2 devices in action check out the vids below... enjoy!
Publisher: EA Developer: Double Fine Productions Game Type: 3rd Person Adventure
In Tim Schafer's new opus You play as Eddie Riggs (a voice role that it seem Jack Black was born to do/voice) a tour weary roadie for Kabbage Boy who after an accident on stage is teleported to a heavy metal world (that is) ruled by Doviculus (voiced by Tim Curry) a viscous ruler that looks like a cross between The Darkness and The Mouth of Sauron. With the help of Ophilia, Lars and Lita (as well as splattering of support characters that are voiced by some Rock Royalty - Lemmy, Ozzy, Rob Halford etc), Eddie sets out to put an end to Doviculus' rule once and forever. Eddie's main weapons of choice are his trusty Flying V, his Conan style Axe and his custom Hot Rod, which goes by the name of The Druid Plow. Let me start by saying that buying this game was a 'no brainer' for me as it combines the two things I love the most...metal and video games!
Even by the end of the intro it's obvious that the game is in fact one big love letter to old school (True) heavy metal and can't resist making fun of modern mainstream 'metal' (Lets be honest its not hard!). The look, awesome soundtrack (that includes house hold names such as Kiss, Judas Priest, Saxon and Motorhead along side equally as good but less well known gems by the likes of Cloven Hoof, Budgie, Accept and Angel Witch) and multitude of references truly indicate that the game has been made by a group of people with a genuine love for the greatest, most ferocious genre of music in the world. Furthermore Its not just the selection of music but the use of it too. Whether its blasting it across the plains to meet the battle head on to the sounds of Dragonforce or confronting Doviculus to the thunderous blast of Painkiller, it truly does add that extra dimension and suits the scenes perfectly. In addition It's fun trying to spot all the metal references that are weaved into the fabric of the game (for example 3 of the main characters Eddie Riggs, Lars Halford, Lita Halford are all nods to rock stars or big names in the metal universe. Plus a Weapon upgrade called Bolt Thrower. Genius!).
Each area of the game map has its own distinct feel. From the metal mammoth filled snowy mountains to the murky swamps its all nice to look at and pretty much any part of the landscape could have been lifted from a Manilla Road or CirithUngol LP sleeve. In addition to this there is the usual Zelda-esque day/night cycle (Look out for the collapsing moon and meteor show...v cool!)
I thought the game had a nice variety too - Unlike some other games (Assassins Creed?) that are advertised as "hugely varied and non repetitive due to the x amount of game types and various secondary missions etc" when in reality whether you're playing an 'assassin', 'chase' or 'delivery' mission they all have the same game mechanic at its core (in the case of Assassins Creed 2, free running), there is some genuine diversity to be found in Brutal Legend. While the Real Time Strategy (RTS) sequences got blasted by some quarters, the gameplay is more varied than a lot of 3rd person games. As mentioned eventhough the RTS sections can be a bit clunky and frustrating it is a breath of fresh air and a brave move. Personally once I got use to them I quite liked them, even if it is a bit over used. I think the game would have benefited from a more traditional 3rd person approach to some of the bosses, a la Spider Queen in the Lair of the Metal Queen mission. However all is not lost as the last level is a nice combination of all the elements that make up the game (driving vehicles, RTS, hack 'n' slash, dishing out magic etc).
However its not without its flaws. Forgetting the previously mentioned RTS element there were two things that really annoyed me. The first is that there is no mini map/GPS HUD. This is really annoying when driving and also when you are trying to work out where your troops have walked off to in the numerous Stage Battles. The second annoyance is the fact that you cant jump!There are bits where you find yourself having to walk out of your way just to navigate round a clump of grass or rogue pebble! It seems so silly and on a par with 'invisible walls' with regards to things that make no sense in the context of this/a game.
While I think anyone with a love for a good game will enjoy Brutal Legend, I somehow feel that metal fans in particular will get the most out of it. However don't ignore it if you don't have a love for metal as you may miss out on a great (if in places frustrating) gaming experience.
Graphics - Looks great, while not Killzone the developers certainly haven't overlooked the graphics and brilliantly brings the Heavy Metal world to life.
Playability - While it takes a while to get use to the RTS sections (especially if you're not familiar with the genre) it is really playable fun game for all levels of gamer. Like most sandbox games you can follow the main campaign or just drive round discovering the varying areas of the map. Unlike GTA4 you don't have to worry about be gunned down by policeman if you accidentally stray of course. Due to the unexciting side missions there is little replay value, unless of course you want some Trophies (Who doesn't?!?!).
Sound - Nice, solid use of surround. Unlike some games you notice the 5.1 mix. Plus it feels good cranking out some Priest while gaming!
Overall - While the main campaign is quite short and the RTS section have their faults it is really enjoyable and a must for true metal fans \m/.
Transformers - The first details for the next Transformers movie have been released by Michael Bay. He confirms that the next instalment in the franchise will feature "less robots" and "fewer explosions". Instead "there will be a nice crescendo ending... this time you're gonna get a much cooler landscape". Although vague, perhaps the 'cooler landscape' will involve a visit to Transformers home world Cybertron? We can only hope!
Mass Effect 2 - The game has not been released yet but developers BioWare (Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic) have already confirmed their initital plans for Downloadable Content (DLC) for the Xbox exclusive space-opera. Those who purchase the title will receive access to 'The Cerberus Network', a method for receiving news and software updates, as well as episodic content. Although specific confirmation of what will be available for download at launch (rumours include new armour, weapons and planets) has not been provided, it has been confirmed that it will be free. The first review for Mass Effect 2 has been published in Official Xbox Magazine who awarded a respectable 95/100 score.
Halo Reach - The first leaked screenshots have emerged for Halo Reach and they look stunning. New weapons, new(ish) aliens, and even look out for one of the new 'context sensitive' finishing moves whereby Chief is about to smash an Elite in the back! Click here for the full set.
The Office - Speaking to the Television Press Association last week, Office star Ricky Gervais spoke a little about the American Office spin-off and how he might actually become more involved in the show next season. Although nothing concrete has been confirmed, this could be the first time David Brent will meet his American equivalent Michael Scott.
PlayStation 3 - According to Sony 's equivalent of the Wii Remote will be released fall 2010 along with an extensive launch line-up. The Ann Summers inspired controller represents Sony's attempt on the casual gaming market and will utilise the EyeToy camera for tracking. Although various romoured names for the product (Arc, Wand), Sony are still refering to the hardware as "motion controller" with nothing concrete as yet.
Assasins Creed 2 - The first 2 DLC packs have been confirmed for Assaisns Creed 2. These are the "Battle of Forli" and "The Bonfire of the Vanities", and will be avalible to both Xbox 360 and PS3 during January/February.
and finally.....
Xbox 360 - Microsoft have confirmed their A-list line up for 2010. The usual suspects including Halo Reach, Alan Wake, Crackdown 2 are all their as well as some new releases for the year. For the full list see Planet Xbox.
Spidey Re-Boot- Despite 3 big screen adaptations of the comic book hero, Spiderman as we know it is no more. Sam Raimi, franchise director, and lead actor Tobey Maguire have both left Sony Pictures to pursue other ventures. Unfortunately the inevitable re-boot cash-in from Sony has already been confirmed and will see Peter Parker returning to high school with both a new cast and "focuses on a teenager dealing with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises".
HALO 4 - The first details for Bungie's final Halo title, Halo Reach, has been released by Game Informer. Players will be introduced to Noble Team, a six-person squad of Spartan soldiers, each with their own unique traits and characteristics. As the title suggests this outing will be based on the infamous planet Reach, a 100 year-old colony which is under attack from the Covenant - a collection of religious-fanatic aliens. Classic weapons will return including the needler, magnum and plasma pistol, and new weapons will be introduced including the marksman and needle riffles. In addition a new enemy, known as Skirmishers, will be helping to make human life extinct. Not much detail has been released on the multiplayer gameplay other than it will include all of the features present in Halo 3 and introduce traits/armour abilities.
Gran Turismo 5- PlayStation 3 fans of Sony's flagship racer are going to have to wait even longer before the game is released worldwide. The game originally due to be released in Japan in March has a new release date of, well, TBA. The game has suffered multiple delays despite various footage and GT5 Prologue already being released. More news as it comes...
Dante's Inferno - EA are planing to publish the paperback edition of Inferno, part one of The Divine Comedy. Hoping to capitalise on the success of their excellent Dante's Inferno for Xbox 360 and PS3, the book will include an introduction from the games Executive Producer and artwork from the game. The book will be available on January 19th and the game February.
DLC- A survey by media consulting firm Frank N. Magid Associates has found that out of 800 gamers surveyed, only 15% purchased Downloadable Content. In addition around half admitted that they were unaware of DLC being available. It is evident therefore that companies are not capitalising on their full market and maybe indicates a lack of advertisement for digital media.
and finally.....
Rockstar- Perhaps working in the gaming industry is not as much a dream as expected? Wives of Rockstar employees have struck back at the developer (famous for the Gran Theft Auto series), citing worsening work conditions. Such areas including false promises of compensation, loss of medical benefits and cuts in vacation have been highlighted. This is not the first time high profile controversy has surrounded a games publisher. EA received similar attention in 2004 forcing the software giant to pay out 14.9 million for unpaid overtime (
Greetings friends...There have been some particular juicy news stories this week in the wake of CES 2010 and I have decided to post um up here for your reading/viewing pleasure, ease of reference or even just in case you have simply missed some...
First of all let me start with the game I am probably looking forward to the most...God of War 3. From reading some of my previous posts you may have got the impression that I am a tad excited about Krato's new and final (?!?) adventure. Well if I was excited before I am practically shaking with anticipation following the release of some recent screenshots (click on the link and see for yourself. you won't be disappointed, i promise!). While they are only scans from a Japanese magazine and a bit crude, you are still able to get a feel of the scale that Santa Monica Studio are aiming for with God of War 3. Just check out the pic halfway down of what seems to be Kratos scaling the arm of a gargantuan Titan... awesome. Enjoy!
Furthermore there is a statement on the same page saying that video footage is scheduled for release on the 18/01/2010. I'll post it up here once unleashed...
Finally on the subject of God of War it was announced earlier today (11/01/10) by Sony that the God of War 3: Ultimate Trilogy Edition will be priced at £109.99. While on the surface this seems expensive (seeing as you will probably be able to get GoW 3 for £35-£40 and presently the Collection is going for £27 on Movietyme) on further inspection it is a particularly nice package. For your 110 notes you get GoW 3 and (previously only available in the US) the GoW collection, 2 audio CDs, full length documentary, exclusive artwork and a ton of DLC. On top of that it comes in a lovely replica of Pandora's box. It is a genuine thing of beauty. If you compare this to the ridiculous Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Prestige edition which was £120, then i think its a steal!.
- Next up Gran Turismo...With it looking more and more likely that GT5 will finally see the light around Easter, in Japan at least, some new gameplay videos have surfaced and it all looks rather nice (understatement!?!). Watch the vid's below and make your own mind up..."Forza what?" I here you say ;o
- Its also been announced by Sony that a Heavy Rain demo will be released before the game drops on the 26/02/10. So even if you are a bit on the fence about this one then at least you can 'try before you buy'. As detailed in our previous post HMV is releasing an exclusive Special Ed of the game for £39.99. For those who may have missed my Facebook post last Friday regarding the new video footage then check out the video below.
- Rebellion have confirmedAlien Vs Predator will receive a demo too...however no release date has been set.
- Beta for Sony's Modnation Racers goes live on 22/01/10 for EU Residents...They have confirmed that it will be available from the store on a purely 'first come first serve' basis with a total of 100,000 invites being made available. If you're interested don't hesitate in logging onto the PSN on the 22/01/10.
- Playgamer: Issue 4 is out and contains some great features on Just Cause 2, Bioshock 2, Army of Two: 40th Day, Dark Void, Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 as well as The Force Unleashed 2. Issue 5 has an exclusive Dante's Inferno review and is due to be published on the 28/01/10, weather pending of course!!!! (NB - the picture is of issue 1, the recent issue has Just Cause 2 on it)
...And finally my PS3 Brutal Legend review will be posted up in next few days so check back soon. Till then keep gaming!JB
LOST- The newest promotional image for the final season of LOST, adeptly titled The Lost Supper (see what they did?), has been released by ABC. No doubt riddled with cryptic clues as to what to expect, this Locke-centric image gives a taster of who might be returning to the infamous Island.
Project Natal- Jon Burton from games developers Traveller's Tale's has expressed concern over the viability of Microsoft's attempt on the casual gaming market - Project Natal. For those who have not seen the Minority Report-esque interface should see this video.
He particularly states that "lag issues" will disadvantage the technology over it's competitors and describes Sony's alternatives as both "cheap and accurate". Project Natal is expected to hit stores Christmas 2010.
Final Fantasy XIII- The first Western review for Final Fantasy XIII has been released. What is most surprising is the score, a draw dropping 7.9/10. Whilst this is by no means a bad score, given the huge regard many gamers have for the Final Fantasy series it is a shock. The most notable flaw identified by Now Gamer is that the game "does not come together properly"; however particular praise has been given to the games graphics. Check out the full written reviewhere.
Heavy Rain- Sony have released details regarding the special edition version of Heavy Rain. The edition will retail for the very reasonable price of £39.99 and will be exclusive to and HMV stores. The box will include, amongst other things, a copy of the games soundtrack.
Sales- Xbox 360 was crowned the winner of 2009, well at least in terms of software sales. Thanks to the dedication of Xbox owners Bill Gates is now £459 Million better off outselling it's competitors including the Wii. At least the recession is being kind to someone.
Xbox Live- Microsoft is hoping to bring a little bit of Sony's Home into your living room with Game Room. Game Room allows players to create an interactive virtual arcade which can be used by Xbox Live Avatars. Friend's can even visit your arcade giving others a chance to see your retro gaming collection. Personally, I feel this is likely to be more of a gimmick than a selling point, but we will have to wait and see.
Call of Duty- It is looking more likely that Call of Duty 7, the follow-up to Treyarch's World at War, will be set in Vietnam according to a source close to the developer. The game will offer a more character driven plot akin to Modern Warfare and will borrow from films such as Platoon and Apocalypse Now. The only downside for me is that we will not be hearing Bauer's shouting in a Call of Duty game again anytime soon.
Blu-ray- Blu-ray discs are likely to be getting even bigger with Sony and Panasonic announcing plans to increase the size of discs by around 8GB. It is likely that Sony's Playstation 3 will support this technology via firmware update but it does help to illustrate the pace of change in technology.
and finally.....
Tiger Woods PGA Golf- Despite recent controversies Tiger Woods will remain the front man for EA's PGA Golf Series. A recent spokesman at EA describes how their "relationship with Tiger has always been rooted in golf. We didn't form a relationship with him so that he could act as an arm's length endorser". Whether the next game in the Tiger Wood's series will feature his extracurricular activities remains to be seen.
As 2009 has come to a close and the Top 5 have been drawn up, I thought I'd have one final look back over '09 while simultaneously looking forward to 2010.
Amongst all the big guns that were unleashed on the world in 2009 there were some games that while may have had a lower profile (for one reason or another) were also great. The first being The God of War Collection...while at time of writing only available on Import from the United States of America, it is easily available from sites like Movietyme or Gamesbasement (and of course as the PS3 is region free there are no issues when trying to play it in a British PS3). For those not aware this is a blu-ray reissue of the PS2 classics. With its HD overhaul (upped res and frame rate as well as trophy support) this looks better than ever and plays like a dream. While almost 5 years old this is still as good as anything being peddled as true next gen gaming today. The story is truly one of the best I've ever come across and the violence is brutal (its fair to say Kratos has a few issues!). Overlook this 'last gen' beauty at your peril!!!
Another game that caught my eye this year was Flower...a bizarre game in which you play as a flower dreaming of sunnier climes. While I appreciate it sounds quite lame and a tad 'hippyish' it really is all about the lovely visuals and brilliant use of the (horrendously under used) sixaxis' motion sensing functionality. I've read elsewhere that people say that you don't play Flower as much as experience is like taking control of a Pink Floyd video. It is different and the fact that I picked it up from the US PSN store for £3 makes it a must.
Finally the last game I'd like to mention is Eyepet. Now while its not my normal gaming fare I was rather impressed with it. It is basically a super fancy Tamagotchi whereby you have to feed, groom and play with the titular Eyepet. Unlike the aforementioned Tamagotchi it does grip your attention for more than 2 minutes. Now while there are loads to games to play and things to do it is not for this reason why I mention it. The way you interact with Eyepet is by using the Playstation Eye which allows the virtual pet to interact with people and objects in the real world. Using augmented reality the Eyepet appears to be aware of its environment and surroundings and reacts to them accordingly. The player can place objects in front of the animal and the game will interpret what the object is and respond to it. For example, if the player rolls a ball towards it, it will jump out of the way to avoid being hurt. It will also react to the player's actions and sound allowing the user to, for example, tickle the animal or clap their hands to startle it. To see the little creature doing his thing, head over to Youtube and check out this video. The use of the tech is really quite cool and has generally made me quite excited about the release of Sony's new Wii challenging Motion Sensor Controller (It doesn't have a name yet but 'Gem' has been mentioned).
Anyway enough with the reminiscing and lets look forward and see what will be invading the gaming landscape in the next 12 months. Due to the sheer volume of great (or at least potentially great) games being released in the next year I am only going to be able to mention a handful. Lets start with a franchise I've already mentioned, God of War...
In March God of War 3, the third and final part of David Jaffes Greek Mythology based Epic, is to be released. I was lucky enough to get my hands on the demo a few months back (thanks Sony) and I must say it didn't disappoint, in fact it totally blew me away! It took the already tried, tested and loved game play of the previous PS2/PSP games, cranks it up a few notches and adds a (the decapitation of Helios is eye-wateringly brutal!) lush PS3 polish! If the full game is as good as the demo (and I have a feeling it may even top it) I think this will be a strong contender for game of the year. I...cannot...wait...
The next game, and say it quietly, is Gran Turismo 5. I think they started making this game in about 1973 and they've been decanting the lines of code from angel tears ever since. What will be completed first, Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia or GT5? All joking aside if (and it should be as it scheduled for release in Japan in March and SCEE has only today released photos of the box art) this is released in 2010 it will be MASSIVE. I personally think it's going to be nigh on impossible to live up to the insane level of hype that has surrounded this racing monster since its it was announced at E3 in 2006 but I hope I'm wrong. At the time there were rumours we could be getting our hands on it before Christmas 2007. Ha ha, how we laugh at this now! I've seen some videos and screenshots (as well as play the all too brief GT 5 Academy Demo) and the way this game looks is something else...the lighting, Physics, detail on the cars, it looks all so very real. Also this time round we can expect car deformation/damage (yay!!), online multiplayer, a 1000 cars and 70 track layouts. In addition to this there are rumours regarding head-tracking using the PS Eye and a track editor. If this all comes together with the usual Polyphony pizazz (I thought GT PSP was amazing!) and sheen then it could just be the game we have been dreaming of since it was announced.....
Deadspace 2 - While this might not be at the forefront of everyone's 'gaming mind' at present I'm pretty sure it will be come the Autumn. Anyone that knows me knows how much I loved the 1st one and I can tell you that I am very excited about the sequel. The first game was a brilliant combination of action and atmosphere. It took the well established survival horror formula of classic games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill and put a wonderous Alien/Event Horizon spin on it. I loved everything about this game from the slick controls to the great story and from the awesome use of surround sound to the genuinely eery atmosphere. If its only half as good as the original then it will still be better than a lot of games released in 2010!
Heavy Rain - I first read about out this just after I got my first PS3 in December 2007 and I remember being mesmerised by the film grade visuals. I didn't know anything about the story or what type of game it was but I was instantly hooked and wanted to know more. Until relatively recently information on this game has been slow coming other than the fact that it's a 'mature' adventure game which surrounds 4 central characters and how there lives change following a series of murders (check wiki for some more info). The way you control your characters and the style of gameplay sounds like a 21st Century Dragons Lair remake over seen by David Lynch!. At the end of the day this could end up being a pretentious, dull, overblown turkey but you've gotta give Quantic Dream respect for trying something new and original. If it is good it could genuinely be a turning point for the games industry. Watch this space.
Finally lets not forgot some other games that are also due in the next few months like Rebellion's 'Alien Vs Predator', Visceral Games' 'Dantes Inferno', Square Enix's 'Final Fantasy XIII' and Rockstar's 'Red Dead Redemption'. Its scary looking at the release schedules as this seems to be just the tip of the iceberg.....While I don't know whether any of these games will replicate the quality of the 'class of 09', i do know that my bank account is gonna take a beating! See ya kids online. JB